GK Quiz

#GK Quiz

What is the most abundant mineral in the human body?

A) Iron

B) Calcium ✔

C) Zinc

D) Sodium

According to Guinness World Records, what is the largest Carnivore on land?

A) Polar Bear ✔

B) Grizzly Bear

C) Royal Bengal Tiger

D) Gorilla

Which search engine has a button that says I m feeling Lucky ?

A) Bing

B) Yahoo!

C) Google ✔

D) Wikipedia

The shell of a hens egg is mainly made of which of these substances?

A) Calcium carbonate ✔

B) Sodium hydroxide

C) Phosphoric acid

D) Sodium Chloride

Which company topped the 2013 list of Fortune 500 companies?

A) Apple

B) Wal-Mart Stores ✔

C) ExxonMobil

D) General Electric

Which of these treatments causes hair loss?

A) Chemotherapy ✔

B) Virotherapy

C) Speleotherapy

D) Physiotherapy

Which of these animals is depicted in a zodiac sign?

A) Octopus

B) Turtle

C) Spider

D) Crab ✔

Which city is the capital of Kenya?

A) Mombasa

B) Nairobi ✔

C) Kampala

D) Addis Ababa

Which of these birds has the largest eyes?

A) Hawk

B) Penguin

C) Vulture

D) Ostrich ✔

Which of following does not prepare its food through photosynthesis?

A) Cactus

B) Money Plant

C) Cotton Plant

D) Mushroom ✔


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