General Knowledge Quiz

#General Knowledge Quiz

👉 A group of wolves is called - Pack

👉 Who invented the magnifying glass - Roger Bacon

👉 In which country Asia's largest underground railway station, Futian Station, was opened recently - China

👉 The World Braille Day was observed across the world on - January 4

👉 Who won the Costa Novel Prize 2015 for her book titled 'A God in Ruins' - Kate Atkinson

👉 In which country the world's largest brown star sapphire that weighs 1404.49 carats was discovered in a mine recently - Sri Lanka

👉 Name the Asian country which tested its first-ever Hydrogen bomb recently - North Korea

👉 Who is the author of novel 'Go Set a Watchman' which topped the US bestseller list in 2015, selling 1.6 million copies - Harper Lee

👉 Which country became first in the world to ban supermarket food waste - France

👉 Who won men's singles title of All England Open Badminton Championships 2016 - Lin Dan

👉 Which country inaugurated the world's longest cable car (3-rope) system with a total length of 6,292.50 meters - Vietnam

👉 Parliament of which country became the first in the world to completely run on solar power, a venture supported by close ally China with a whopping $55 million funding - Pakistan

👉 What is the theme of World Wetlands Day in 2017 - Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction

👉 Who won women's singles title of All England Open Badminton Championships 2016 - Nozomi Okuhara

👉 In which country Asia's largest man-made waterfall, Niulanjiang Waterfall in Kunming, was opened recently - China.


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