Challenging Words from the Article: The Hindu

#Challenging Words from the Article: The Hindu

1.  Word: Meagre (अत्यल्प)

Pronunciation: mee-ger/मीगरPart of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning:

        a. (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.

Synonyms: scanty, inadequateAntonyms: ample, bountifulUse in a Sentence: Our appeal for help met with a meagre response.

2.  Word: Infamous (दुष्ट)

Pronunciation: in-fuh-muh s/इन्फमसPart of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning:

        a. well known for some bad quality or deed.

Synonyms: notorious, disrespectableAntonyms: honorable, reputableUse in a Sentence: That person is infamousfor his dishonesty.

3.  Word: Empower (अधिकार देना)

Pronunciation: em-pou-er/एम्पाउअरPart of Speech: VerbMeaning: give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
Synonyms: authorize, licenseAntonyms: deny, rejectUse in a Sentence: The role of the chief manager is to empower the team.

4.  Word: Rattle (परेशान करना)

Pronunciation:rat-l/रैटलPart of Speech: Verb, NounMeaning:

        a. make or cause to make a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds. [Verb]

        b. make (someone) nervous, worried, or irritated. [Verb]

        c. a rapid succession of short, sharp, sounds. [Noun]

Synonyms: clutter, shake, agitateAntonyms: soothe, appease, silenceUse in a Sentence: The creaking upstairs was starting to rattle me.

5.  Word: Absurd (ऊटपटांग)

Pronunciation: ab-surd/ऐब्सर्डPart of Speech: Adjective, NounMeaning: 

        a. wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate. [Adjective]

        b. the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world. [Noun]

Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish, senselessAntonyms: sensible, reasonable, rationalUse in a Sentence: It is absurd to argue over such a petty issue.

6.  Word: Kaput (नष्ट)

Pronunciation: kah-poo t/कपुटPart of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning:

        a. broken and useless; no longer working or effective.

Synonyms: finished, destroyedAntonyms: active, contemporaryUse in a Sentence: They finally admitted that their product was really kaput.

7.  Word: Amalgamation  (मिश्रण)

Pronunciation: uh-mal-guh-mey-shuh n/अमैल्गमैशनPart of Speech: NounMeaning:

        a. the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.

Synonyms: combination, fusionAntonyms: separation, isolationUse in a Sentence: We look towards theamalgamation of some of the neighborhood companies.

8.  Word: Deteriorate (बिगाड़ना)

Pronunciation: dih-teer-ee-uh-reyt/डिटिरीअरैटPart of Speech: Verb Meaning: become progressively worse.
Synonyms: worsen, degenerate, languishAntonyms: improve, ameliorate, progressUse in a Sentence: If the eatables are kept for too long, its taste will deteriorate and it may become harmful.

9.   Word: Robust (मजबूत)

Pronunciation: roh-buhst/रोबस्टPart of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning:

        a. strong and healthy; vigorous.

Synonyms: powerful, persistentAntonyms: weak, feebleUse in a Sentence: The organization is taking a more robust approach to management.

10.   Word: Imperative (आज्ञार्थक,जरूरी)

Pronunciation: im-per-uh-tiv/इम्पेरटिवPart of Speech: Adjective, NounMeaning:

         a. of vital importance; crucial. [Adjective]

         b. giving an authoritative command; peremptory. [Adjective]

         c. an essential or urgent thing. [Noun]

Synonyms: necessary, obligatory, requisiteAntonyms: nonessential, insignificant, needlessUse in a Sentence: In an organization, a prompt reply is imperative.

11.   Word: Hamstrung (निरुद्ध)

Part of Speech: VerbMeaning:

        a) severely restrict the efficiency or effectiveness of. 

Pronunciation: ham-strung/हैम्स्ट्रिंगSynonyms: disabled, hampered, hinderedAntonyms: powerful, strong, beneficialUse in a Sentence: The project was hamstrung by lack of funds.

12.   Word: Abysmally (निकृष्ट तरीके से)

Pronunciation: uh-biz-muh l-y/अबिज़्मलीPart of Speech: AdverbMeaning:

        a. in an extremely bad way; appallingly (to a horrifying or shocking degree.)

Synonyms: awfully, frightfullyAntonyms: brilliantly, superblyUse in a Sentence: The standard

of training was abysmally low.

13.   Word: Perennially (निरंतर)


puh-ren-ee-uh l-y/परेनीअलीPart of Speech: AdverbMeaning:

        a. in a way that continues for a long or apparently infinite time; permanently.

Synonyms: everlastingly, constantlyAntonyms: never, brieflyUse in a Sentence: We want to know what isperennially new about the world



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