The Hindu Vocabulary | 24-04-18

The Hindu Vocabulary  | 24-04-18

1. FLARE (VERB): erupt

Synonyms: blaze, explode

Antonyms: mend, implode

Example Sentence:

Fierce fighting flared between the army men and the terrorists.

2. FLAUNT (VERB): advertise

Synonyms: show off, display

Antonyms: cover, conceal

Example Sentence:

She flaunted her new wardrobe.

3. FATEFUL (ADJECTIVE): significant

Synonyms: crucial, critical

Antonyms: insignificant, unimportant

Example Sentence:

They could escape because of his fateful oversight.

4. FLOUNDER (VERB): stumble

Synonyms: bobble, wallow

Antonyms: do well, succeed

Example Sentence:

There were watering places where buffalo liked to wallow.

5. FEINT (NOUN): pretence

Synonyms: artifice, imposture

Antonyms: truth, reality

Example Sentence:

His anger is masked by the feint that all is well.

6. EXASPERATE (VERB): agitate

Synonyms: annoy, enrage

Antonyms: comfort, soothe

Example Sentence:

His futile efforts exasperated prison officers.

7. GAFFE (NOUN): mistake

Synonyms: impropriety, indiscretion

Antonyms: amendment, mending

Example Sentence:

Coming here was a gaffe.

8. ELUDE (VERB): avoid

Synonyms: escape, dodge

Antonyms: encourage, assist

Example Sentence:

Veeju tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door.

9. JIBE (VERB): agree

Synonyms: harmonize, accord

Antonyms: differ, disagree

Example Sentence:

The authors jibed with the majority.

10. FORMERLY (ADVERB): already

Synonyms: earlier, heretofore

Antonyms: currently, presently

Example Sentence:

She has formerly met my mother.


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