Daily Vocabulary

1. Stir (noun):  Arouse strong feeling in (someone); move or excite.: (हलचल) 
Synonyms: Bustling, Bustle, Ado, Commotion, Clutter, Upheaval, Unrest
Antonyms: Stultify, Quietude, Tranquillity, Hush, Calm, Peace
Example: The plane's first jolt caused a stir among the passengers, and by the third one they were in a panic.
Related word: Stirred (past participle), Stirring (present participle)

2. Atrocity (noun):  An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury. (क्रूरता, अतिदुष्ट व्यवहार)
Synonyms:  Barbarity, Brutality, Savagery, Wickedness, Cruelty, Abomination, Enormity, Monstrosity, Obscenity, Iniquity, Malfeasance, Tort
Antonyms: Kindness, Pleasantness, Allurement, Benignity, Clemency, Compassion, Humaneness
Example: The atrocity of the murders stunned the entire city.
Related word: Atrocities (plural), Atrocious (adjective)

3. Radical (adjective): Believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change: (सुधारकारी) 
Synonyms: Revolutionary, Progressive, Reforming, Reformist, Revisionist,
Antonyms: Conservative, Reactionary, Unprogressive, Conventional, Traditional
Example: Casteism is a desperate situation which requires radical solution.
Related word: Radicality (noun), Radicalness (noun)

4. Exalt (verb):  To praise someone a lot, or to raise someone to a higher rank or more powerful position. (प्रशंसा करना, ऊंचा पद देना)
Synonyms: Glorify, Extol, Praise, Acclaim, Elevate, Promote, Raise, Advance, Ennoble, Dignify, Aggrandize
Antonyms: Belittle, Abase, Humiliate Lower, Depress Disparage, Despise
Example: The essay exalts the simple beauty of the country.
Related word: Exaltation (noun), Exalting, Exalted

5. Quantum (noun): An amount of something: (मात्रा)
Synonyms: Quantity, Measure, Portion, Share
Example: Earnings depend on the quantum of work done by you

6. Cognisable (noun): That can be known or perceived or within the jurisdiction of a court. (अदालत के अधिकार क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत)
Synonyms: Discernible, Comprehensible, Perceptible, Perceivable, Knowable Cognoscible
Antonyms: Unknowable, Transcendent
Example: Murder, and rape are cognisable and non-bailable offences.

7. Whittle Eown (phrasal verb): To gradually cut or diminish something to a more appropriate size or to the proper size. (धीरे - धीरे कम करना)
Synonyms: Curtail, Encroach, Attenuate
Antonyms: Increase, Augment
Example: We had 80 applicants for the job, but we've whittled them down to six.

8. Frivolous (adjective): Behaving in a silly way and not taking anything seriously; carefree attitude. ( गंभीर नहीं /तुच्छ)
Synonyms: Flippant, Glib, Waggish, Facetious
Antonyms: Sensible, Serious, Solemn
Example: I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.
Related word:  Frivolousness (noun), Frivolously (adverb)

9. Prompt (adjective): Done quickly and without delay. (शीघ्र)
Synonyms: Quick, Swift, Rapid, Speedy, Fast, Immediate, Instant, Expeditious, Early, Punctual
Antonym:  Slow, Late, Unwilling, Sluggish, Lethargic, Tardy
Example: They've written back already - that was a very prompt reply.

10. Jurisprudence (noun): The study of law and the principles on which law is based. (न्यायशास्र) 
Synonyms: Theology, Deontology, Lawmaking, Divinity, Jurisprudence, Law Book
Antonym: Lawlessness, Disorganised
Example: Canada has a jurisprudential tradition of protecting human rights.


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